Monday, November 9, 2015

Where Is Jesus?

Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8

I started mentally collecting "quotes of the day" pretty early this morning and it soon became obvious that there were just too many nuggets for a a typical short facebook post. Prepare to have your heart melted!

We started a new Mother Goose Time theme today (On The Go), which also corresponds with our new Bible story, The Little Children Come to Jesus. This is pretty much my favorite story of Jesus! The first activity in the devotional, before actually reading the story, was a little "hide and seek" game, in which I took the story card that showed Jesus with all the children, put it somewhere in the room while everyone had their eyes [mostly] closed, and then said,"OK, open your eyes! Can you find Jesus?" It was comical to watch them looking high and low, in drawers, and under tables, when the picture was actually "hiding" in plain sight. It took some longer than others to find the picture each time, but the ones who "found Jesus" first, helped point their friends in the right direction. And they had so much fun!!

After we returned to the carpet from our adventures of finding Jesus, we read the story. I posed the question,"Where is Jesus?" Here were the responses:

Child 1: "On the mountain!"
Child 2: "In people."
Child 3: "In Jesus' house! Jesus house is big, Big, BIG!"

I asked Child 3 where Jesus' house is, to which he replied,"In the sky."
"In heaven?" I asked. "Yes! Heaven!" We then talked about why Jesus has SUCH a big house, that He has special place prepared for each us. (I see the addition of Audio A's Big House in our song rotation in the near future)

We talked about how sometimes we can see Jesus, but even when we don't see Him, He is always with us. After some further discussion about where we can find Jesus, I asked,"What would you like to talk to Jesus about today?" I mostly ask this to generate thoughts and ideas, so as not to thank Jesus for zebras and "bare necessities" for the 600th time. (although I'm sure Jesus does not object to such grateful sentiments)

Child 4's hand shot up in the air:"YES!"
Me: "What do you want to say to Jesus?"
Child 4: "YES!!"
Me: "What will you say "yes" to Jesus about...that you will listen for His voice and follow Him?" (we talked about the story of the Good Shepherd last month)
Child 4: "Yes! Follow Him!"

Each child then had an opportunity to pray before I said the closing prayer. Most of these conversations with Jesus are unintelligible to me, because they typically choose to kneel and pray face down into the carpet. We just say,"AMEN" in agreement, and assume Jesus got the important details.

Throughout the day, they were singing familiar songs, and making up their own songs to Jesus as they played, all the way up to dismissal time.

So, where is Jesus? Today He was found in preschool in Japan.

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